More than half the patients of InviMed clinics are happy moms today!
Effectiveness of in vitro procedures at InviMed clinics
54% of all in vitro cycles that were performed in InviMed clinics between 2015 and 2017 ended with childbirths. It is a great success - the result of many years of experience of our doctors and embryologists, as well as the effect of using modern technologies at all InviMed infertility treatment clinics.
Where do these data come from?
We have been constantly monitoring the results of our joint co-operation with the patients. 54% is a birth rate that reflects the number of babies born to patients who, during the stimulation process, managed to obtain 6 or more mature egg cells ready for fertilization. Each confirmed clinical pregnancy is a great joy to us and we carefully record each of them.
What are our chances at the first in vitro attempt?
Already after the first in vitro attempt on average 6 out of 10 couples become happy parents. The single in vitro cycle starts with the stimulation of the patient, after which the collection of eggs and their fertilization takes place (embryos formation). The cycle terminates with the transfer of fresh and/ or frozen embryos. The number of transfers depends on the requirements and the number of obtained embryos.
The following effectiveness determines the total chance of birth in a single IVF cycle until the last fresh or frozen embryo available in that cycle is used.
The patients of our clinics making the next in vitro attempt, i.e. the next cycle, still have great chances for the desired offspring. Our effectiveness rates for patients who are undergoing in vitro fertilization for the second and third time are high. Nevertheless, they decrease because every subsequent failure is usually associated with a difficult clinical case requiring more advanced treatment.
The chances for in vitro success in difficult cases
The chances for birth in case of failure are determined by a cumulative factor and are 57% after the first cycle, 74% after the second cycle and 82% after the third cycle respectively. The data show that in the case of patients who have failed in the first cycle and who have had additional treatment methods implemented, the chances of becoming pregnant and having a baby in each subsequent cycle increase. In the second cycle, they increase up to 74% and in the third one up to 82%. This means that already 82% of the patients gave birth after three IVF cycles.
Unfortunately, the treatment does not always end with success. 18% of cases where pregnancy has not been achieved are associated with severe and very complex infertility factors which cannot be eliminated, even with the most advanced treatment methods.
In vitro procedure effectiveness and the patient’s age
The patient's age is of great importance, and to a large extent it determines the effectiveness of treatment. With age, not only the quantity but also the quality of produced egg cells decreases. This directly translates into the effects of treatment on embryological and clinical level.
In the first IVF cycle, the patients under 35 years of age have the greatest chance of getting pregnant and giving birth to a child. They usually produce a large number of very good quality egg cells that are fit for fertilisation and further normal development. As many as 59% of patients under 35 become a mother after the first in vitro cycle. Patients aged 35 to 39 have similar chances during the first cycle, since already 55% of procedures end with births. 32% of patients over 39 years of age treated at InviMed clinics give birth.
The effectiveness of the treatment is also strongly influenced by the partner’s age. Although this is not as pronounced as in the case of women, the quality produced of the sperm cells and their ability to fertilise the egg cell as well as the chance of proper embryo development decreases with the age of the man, even if the parameters of semen tests indicate values that are normal or close to normal.
At InviMed clinics we offer a wide range of semen diagnostics (SCD, MSOME, HBA) and sperm cell selection techniques (hbIMSI, PICSI, Fertile Chip) to improve the effectiveness of treatment in assisted reproduction cycles.
What are the chances for giving birth after a single embryo transfer?
The chances of having a baby after a single embryo transfer reach 38% for patients under 35 and 31% for patients between 35 and 39. Patients over 39 years of age achieve a clinical pregnancy after a single transfer in 21% of cases. The levels of effectiveness presented below are achieved at InviMed already in the first treatment cycle.
The patient’s age has a great impact on the effectiveness of single transfers. However, it should be remembered that due to the high quality and perfectly developed procedures for cryopreservation of embryos (freezing) at InviMed clinics, the effectiveness of fresh and frozen (vitrified) embryos transfer is comparable. As many as 98% of the embryos survive the freezing procedure and continue to develop properly. Freezing embryos absolutely does not reduce the chances of getting pregnant and giving birth.
The majority of InviMed patients, i.e. as many as 66% obtains additional, frozen (vitrified) embryos in each cycle. Therefore a few transfers can be made in one cycle, which enhances the chance of having a baby already after the first cycle by 10-15%.
Effectiveness of the in vitro procedure with donors eggs at InviMed
Almost 7 out of 10 patients in 2017 who benefited from the programme of egg cell adoption from an anonymous donor at InviMed can enjoy motherhood. At InviMed clinics, the effectiveness of a single cycle using embryos obtained from a set of eggs from a donor is 68%.
The stated effectiveness determines the total chance of birth in a single cycle until the last frozen embryo available in that cycle is used. The egg cell adoption programme ensures that at least three good quality embryos are obtained, which increases the chance of the patients becoming pregnant.
If three embryos of good quality from the first set of donor egg cells are not obtained, the patient is guaranteed to receive an additional set of 8 egg cells of high quality from InviMed.
Already 13,000 children
Over a period of 18 years, thanks to the infertility treatment programs available at InviMed, we have achieved confirmed clinical pregnancies in thousands of cases. Already about 13,000 children have been born thanks to assisted reproduction techniques used at InviMed. That's more people than the Congress Hall and Torwar Hall can accommodate together.
All in all, thanks to the help of our physicians, there are many more of them in the world, because many couples have managed to get pregnant naturally after the implementation of appropriate treatment. We are proud of our effectiveness, but above all we are proud of our patients. Thanks to their struggle and determination to achieve the goal, about 13,000 children have already been born.